This patient wanted ultrasonic rhinoplasty to have a smoother healing journey!

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This lovely young patient from Boulder, CO came to see Dr. Shah because he is one of the few surgeons in the U.S. who offer ultrasonic rhinoplasty surgery. Dr. Shah was one of the first surgeon's in the U.S. to bring this technology over from Europe and has been routinely using it since 2017. This patient loves her nose and has had a remarkably quick recovery. She will continue to improve over time but her results at 6 weeks are typical for this advanced technology.

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Denver



Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Denver



Piezorhinoplasty Expert Denver



Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Denver

This patient had an ultrasonic rhinoplasty with me to reduce her hump, correct her nostrils, and make a cuter nasal tip. Her nose looks amazing this early in her year long recovery. She is very happy with the outcome and loves how well she can breathe as she is an exercise fanatic.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.