Dr. Shah decides to try Kybella to melt a little submental fat!

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Dr. Manish Shah, a Denver-based plastic surgeon decided to be a test subject for the introduction of Kybella in his minimally-invasive cosmetic medicine practice. Kybella is known as deoxycholic acid. It is FDA-approved for use in melting submental excess fat. Dr. Shah needed the typical 2 vials of Kybella injected to get the results you see. The results are at 8 weeks after his only injection. Other than the typical post-injection swelling, Dr. Shah recovered without any issues. The procedure was essentially painless.

Kybella - Denver



Kybella - Denver



Kybella - Denver - Dr. Shah

Dr. Manish Shah decided to try Kybella injections for himself.  He had a stubborn little fat pad under his chin that wouldn't go away even with weight loss.  He had his nurse injector perform the injections. 2 vials of Kybella were used to create the results you see in the pictures.  After 8 weeks, Dr. Shah was fully recovered with no swelling or numbness.  There was never any pain and the injection process itself was easy because topical anesthesia was used.  In fact he looked normal after about 2 weeks so the social downtime was minimal.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.