Denver patient hated his excess breast tissue!

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This man in his 20's worked out hard at the gym. You can see that he was quite successful at shaping his body. Despite all this hard work, he couldn't reduce the puffiness in his nipples. This was due to the fact that he had excess male breast tissue. This is common in many men and typically occurs during the hormone surge of puberty. It also can be due to the use of certain medications and steroids. He was self-conscious about how he looked in modern slim-fit clothing. He consulted with Dr. Shah, a specialist in gynecomastia surgery in Denver, to correct this problem. The patient comfortably underwent surgery in the office and his results are just fantastic!

Gynecomastia Denver



Gynecomastia Denver



Gynecomastia Denver



Gynecomastia Denver

Male patient in his 20's had gynecomastia surgery in Denver by Dr. Manish Shah to reduce the appearance of his puffy nipples. The results are excellent!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.